the duotang of lies

funny, in a way that even you can appreciate, ass.

so you think you’re smart? March 20, 2007

Filed under: bored at work — duotangoflies @ 11:13 am

So my friend at work sent me the link for the CBC IQ test: 

Click on the rinky-link and off you go.  First you need to answer a few relevant questions about yourself.  This is a serious, scientific study on the IQs of canadians – they need to know:

1)  your hair colour 2) whether or not you are trying to reduce your cholesterol 3) and so on.

So I took the bleeping test whilst at work.  I actually told my boss I was busy and couldn’t discuss work with him cause I needed to know how smart I was (yeah I get how that wouldn’t go over so well – but amazingly he said “oh yeah of course!”).

And how smart am I?  Well I should have taken my brother’s approach.  Jeff’s approach is outlined below:

“right, right.  i may try at home w/ voice.  but probably not.  my IQ is clearly like 400 as is.  no need to confirm.”

To which I replied:

“yeah that’s true.  I mean that teleportation thing is proof enough.”

And me?  Took the grueling test, attempted to figure out some math, and well…  I’m not going to disclose my “IQ”, but I officially stick my tongue out in the general direction of CBC and the entire cast of Little Mosque on the Prairie.